Nature Walk/Birding journal - Pasir Ris Park(PRP), Aug 14 2022.

It was a Saturday, so I have the luxury to visit PRP with my hubby by driving there. Usually, we will park our car at Pasir Ris Park, car park D because it is free. Need not pay anything regarless how long we park. Car park D is located further away from the Pasir Ris MRT station, meaning to say, we will need to walk further to the hawker centre near Pasir Ris MRT station where we normally have our lunch.

Upon reaching car park D, we noticed members of this family were foraging for food at the car park area.

The family head even greeted us verbally LOL.
This chick is so cute that I couldn't resist  taking a picture of it.
The chicks population has grown recently after the changeable hawk eagle (black morph) has not been spotted recently. Wonder how long will the population last? When will the next raptor arrive?

Today, I was not able to spot the "one eye Jack" the buffy fish owl that usually perched on one tree at Car Park C. Neither am I able to catch a photograhphic shot of the beautiful Brown-throated sunbird

We continued to explore the mangrove boradwalk, my favourite for Pasir Ris Park.
The tide was high when we visited the mangrove boardwalk.
Common Nerite
A common sight during high tide. The snails will climb above waters, clinging on the tree trunks and we can see lots of them during high tide.

Tree climbing crab.
Lots of them were spotted during this time above water on the trees.

Baby mangrove viper.
Suprise, suprise. The snake is very small. But what has it eaten?
Looking at its curvy shape, looked like another snake in the baby mangrove viper.
But really, we were not sure what has it eaten and it just looked so odd that the small little snake can stomach such a huge creature inside its tummy.

The Long-tailed Macaque.
Even the monkeys has to stay above the waters, swinging from one tree to another during high tide. I read from the Npark website that these monkey do feed on mangrove crabs. Also, recently the news has reported that they are now listed as endangered globally. 

The typical Singapore's weather started again. A strong gust of wind followed by thunder storm. We speed up our footstep and "briskwalked" from the mangrove boardwalk, towards car park B, then towards Pasir Ris Town Park to reach Pasir Ris Central Hawker Centre to seek shelter and have our lunch. 
We were not able to check out the wildlife at Pasir Ris Town Park, where the hawker centre is located due to the weather. We need to rush back to Car Park D before the weather starts to rain again. 
Pink neck green pigeons.
On our way back, we spotted these pigeons at Car Park B. Are these migrants? I do not recall there are so many residents here?

Plantive Squirrels.
Finally, we reached the bridge that leads to Car Park D. Strangely, we are able to see that the rain has moved eastwards towards Punggol area out into the sea. Took a breather and spotted this fellow at a corner having its meal. Yes, these wildlife are pretty common in Singapore's park,  but who will deny a cute pose for a picture?

The Beach Club.
The weather turned cooler after the rain. We decided not to leave the park as planned, but to
 walk along the beach and enjoy its cool sea breeze. 

Today is the lunar calendar - 17th of the 7th month. 4pm. Near to Car Park E.
No......... people are not offering prayers to the hungry ghost LOL, people are enjoying their barbeque by the beach. Now that the Covid 19 restrictions were lifted, the beaches are coming alive. I thought BBQ only started at night, but these people just cannot wait.

The new Pasir Ris Park Park Connecter(PCN).
Was suprised to find this new PCN at the end of Pasi Ris Beach.
It was used to be a little "forest area" where we can spot another buffy fish owl couple in Sep 2021 and lots of local resident birds here. We have not been here for almost 1 year and was so suprised to see the changes in such a short time.

Crested Goshawk.
On our way back, near the children's playground at Car Park E, he spotted a raptor on top of a tree. Pointed out to me and wow, a Crested Goshawk. We were just taking about this raptor that usually hunt for rats near Car Park C beach BBQ area. Now that this area has more BBQ activities, we guess rats will be here.... So to say why we are able to spot him here.

We left the park around 4.30pm. Wildlife watching is interesting as we cannot predict what we can see for the day, just enjoy nature and appreciate the green around us.

If you like to know how to come to Pasir Ris Park, do check out my guide on how come here by public transport in my earlier post.


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