Nature Walk Journal Mar 15 and 17 2022- Berlayer Creek Boardwalk, Labrador Park 2/3

 Since my trip on 15th Mar was met with heavy downpour, I decided to visit this place again to fullfill my curiosity of this place.

Weather was sunny on the day I visited. It was high hide too. So the water was so clear with a tint of blue. Beautiful!!! I do realised the river is also filled with mangrove trees.

There were 2 viewing deck within the boardwalk. We are able to take a break here to enjoy nature above waters.

With no dark clouds or thunder, I was able to enjoy the view. No wildlife spotted on the way towards Labrador park. 

Lucky me, with the high tide, I was able to enjoy the clear waters. Even able to peep through the mangrove - Sea Scent at Keppel Club.

Since the weather is good, I continued walking towards Bukit Chermin Boarwalk. Do check out my post on Part 3.

The Red Beacon.
From Bukit Chermin Boardwark, I continued my walk towards the southernmost end of Labrador Park and this structure sits at the corner here.
According to, the iconic seven-metre tall structure at Tanjong Berlayer served as a navigational beacon for boats and ships approaching Keppel Harbour in the mid-20th century. Ships entering the harbor used the red Berlayer Beacon as a visual marker to navigate themselves towards the harbor.

Dragon Teeth's Gate.
Check out this website for its history.
Actually Labrador Park is full of history if you really want to explore the place. But for now, I am exploring the wildlife only. 

Lineated Barbet
The weather map shows patches of rain near labrador. So I decided to head back to Berlayer Creek boardwalk towards the MRT station. Do not want to be drain in the rain again. Just then, there is a big tree just before the boardwalk with plenty of bird calls. I can hear the Lineated Barbet. Check out and there it is. While checking out this barbet, I also spotted the pied trailer, olive Backed Sunbirds, brown-throated sunbirds, starlings and other common birds like mynar, spotted dove all hopping around this big tree. Interesting.

Just when I thought that this place has no wildlife, the birds started to appear before me.
This full plumage chinese pond heron was in the field. I was not able to capture its beauty as my camera cannot zoom in with the fence blocking my way. So wasted as I cannot go near the fence either. 

When I step onto the boardwalk (gonna start my journey back to MRT), a bird with white stipe on its head flew in front of me. I thought wow, I got a new lifer.
After observing it for a while, I realised it is the Olive-wing bulbul. Wonder how he got the pool to decorate its head.

Ashy Tailorbird
Perhaps it is going to rain. Birds are busy collecting food. I can hear different kinds of bird calls. Spotted this ashy tailorbird. It is always a challenge to take a picture of tailor bird since they will not keep still. 

Spotted Wood Owl.
While following the Ashy Tailorbird, I have a hunch that 2 eyes were watching me. I turned around and saw the 2 big round eyes of this owl. WOW. 

It was perched so low and near the boardwalk that nobody took notice of it. 

So close and low that I can use my handphone to take a picture of it.

A crowd was form watching this bird after I told 2 kids about it, 2 kids told their parents about it, and passerby saw us looking at it etc.
Funny how it was not disturbed by the crowd.
He decided to take a nap after seeing the crowd instead. 

Pin-striped Tit-babbler juveniles.
Heard the playful sounds and noticed these chicks were playing with water from a hollow tree trunk. So cute. They took turns to go into the hole and wash themselves up. It was also very difficult to take a decent picture of them as they just never keep still. Lucky I still managed to took 3 of them together.

Pin-striped Tit-babbler juveniles.
One of the chicks seems to have noticed me peeping at them. Flew away leave 2 of them.
Actually the Malaysian Fantail and the Oriental Magpie Robin were also calling loudly during this time. I decided to call it a day as my stomach is rumbling and I can feel raindrops. Ended my trip my lunching at Alexandra Retail Centre.

In summary, this is a good place to visit if we are looking for a short nature walk with easy public transport facilities. However, do note that there is only one toilet at labrador park. So better use the toilet in the MRT before visiting the boardwalk.


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