Nature Walk/Birding journal - Pasir Ris Park(PRP), Aug 14 2022.
It was a Saturday, so I have the luxury to visit PRP with my hubby by driving there. Usually, we will park our car at Pasir Ris Park, car park D because it is free. Need not pay anything regarless how long we park. Car park D is located further away from the Pasir Ris MRT station, meaning to say, we will need to walk further to the hawker centre near Pasir Ris MRT station where we normally have our lunch. Upon reaching car park D, we noticed members of this family were foraging for food at the car park area. The family head even greeted us verbally LOL. This chick is so cute that I couldn't resist taking a picture of it. The chicks population has grown recently after the changeable hawk eagle (black morph) has not been spotted recently. Wonder how long will the population last? When will the next raptor arrive? Today, I was not able to spot the "one eye Jack" the buffy fish owl that usually perched on one tree at Car Park C. Neither am I able to catch a photograhphic sh